2019 October Newsletter
Click here to read: https://empoweringcaregivers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019-10-Newsletter.pdf
Click here to read: https://empoweringcaregivers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019-10-Newsletter.pdf
You can Support One Source-Empowering Caregivers every time you shop at Smile.amazon.com It’s Amazing…. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchase to One Source – Empowering Caregivers You will still get the same products, the same service, the same prices…Amazon will give OSEC the benefit if you shop at […]
We are proud to congratulate our second class of Volunteer Care Specialists! Fourteen women and one man graduated Saturday, May 6, 2017. Meet our new volunteers here!
[ Thank you to the Nevada City Advocate for being part of the solution!
Become part of an elite team of Volunteer Care Specialists. Check out this video slideshow of last year’s training, and sign up for our spring training starting April 22. Have a heart. Give a full-time caregiver a “care free” four-hour break a week.