July 9, 2020
Dear Friends of One Source-Empowering Caregivers,
On behalf of all of the caregivers, volunteers, and Board Members and staff, I wish to express our gratitude and appreciation for your ongoing interest, support, and financial contributions to our wonderful mission to support our caregivers in the community. Within the home bound community of caregivers whom we serve, the COVID-19 restrictions have limited our person-to-person interactions. We have had to modify our direct in-home visit program in order to prevent compromising the caregivers; their loved ones; and the volunteer. Since March 19th we have worked with the CDC guidelines, the Governor’s recommendations, and the Nevada County directives to achieve this adaptation in services.
However, we are very aware that their are needs that caregivers have that we may possibly be able to assist you.
We are asking that you would call (530.205.9514) or email us (ed@empoweringcaregivers.org) and let us know how we can serve you better; if a visit is possible; and if we can coordinate with you to meet needs that you have that are not being addressed.
Our mission is to bring HOPE to the caregivers which right now means bringing HELP to the caregiver.
Please be well and stay safe,
Carolyn M Seyler RN MS
Executive Director
One Source-Empowering Caregivers
(Office) 530-205-9514