As this is a bio, let’s briefly cover my background.
In my “I-can’t-believe-Keith Richards-and-I-are-still-alive” life, I have been a hitchhiker, cook, a bartender, a food server, a comedian, an actor (stage,screen,TV,yada-yada), an employment  counselor, a full-time caregiver, and now, a videographer hoping to create “Keepsake Moments” for people to give to their family and friends. Highlighting who they are.  A touch of immortality, if you will.
Of all the endeavors, being a caregiver has been the most fulfilling. I learned many hard lessons about caring for another person, lessons that go beyond the everyday relationship of marriage. I am so grateful for discovering One Source Empowering Caregivers, who kept me off the edge with sound advice and resources, but who also presented me with the opportunity, and tools, to help other people pull back from the brink of emotional madness.